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Failed To Download Game Resources

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This Tutorial also covers 'Download failed because resources could not be found' There are so many users looking for the quick fix because they simply can not. I'm trying to compile a simple game without any additional plugin, but I am facing the errors below: CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources.

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I am trying to install Fifa 14 from my PC because I don't have Wi-Fi to download it. I recently got a new 16GB SD card, formatted it, created /Android/obb folder and put the cache files therein. I installed the game and every time I start the game it says:

'download failed' because the resources could not be found.

I have tried installing the apk first - then putting the files in the cache but that doesn't work either. It's not only for Fifa, it says the same for all other games as well. I've even tried putting the files in /Android/data/obb or only /Android/data but it doesn't work either.

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Failed to download game resources free

I'm using LG Optimus l7 II, it's compatible with all the games I'm trying to install. And yes, I even tried moving the app to SD card, but it's the same.

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2 Answers

make sure you must put cache in obb folder. if its a file with .obb extension you must put it in obb folder but first make sure its in correct folder name and dont just copy in obb folder. for example it must be in this path:


Masih AkbariMasih Akbari

You must be online when you start it for the first time. That's the resource it's not getting.

Atharva kulkarniAtharva kulkarni

I'm using LG Optimus l7 II, it's compatible with all the games I'm trying to install. And yes, I even tried moving the app to SD card, but it's the same.

Hello neighbor hide and seek download. Dec 10, 2018 - In Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek download, things take a turn for the irregular, dreadful, and out and out astonishing.


2 Answers

make sure you must put cache in obb folder. if its a file with .obb extension you must put it in obb folder but first make sure its in correct folder name and dont just copy in obb folder. for example it must be in this path:


Masih AkbariMasih Akbari

You must be online when you start it for the first time. That's the resource it's not getting.

Atharva kulkarniAtharva kulkarni

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